[iOS] TableView에서 드래그 인터렉션 써보기

2 minute read


    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // any offset changes

    @available(iOS 3.2, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // any zoom scale changes

    // called on start of dragging (may require some time and or distance to move)
    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)

    // called on finger up if the user dragged. velocity is in points/millisecond. targetContentOffset may be changed to adjust where the scroll view comes to rest
    @available(iOS 5.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>)

    // called on finger up if the user dragged. decelerate is true if it will continue moving afterwards
    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool)

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called on finger up as we are moving

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when scroll view grinds to a halt

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when setContentOffset/scrollRectVisible:animated: finishes. not called if not animating

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? // return a view that will be scaled. if delegate returns nil, nothing happens

    @available(iOS 3.2, *)
    optional func scrollViewWillBeginZooming(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, with view: UIView?) // called before the scroll view begins zooming its content

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidEndZooming(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, with view: UIView?, atScale scale: CGFloat) // scale between minimum and maximum. called after any 'bounce' animations

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool // return a yes if you want to scroll to the top. if not defined, assumes YES

    @available(iOS 2.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when scrolling animation finished. may be called immediately if already at top

    /* Also see -[UIScrollView adjustedContentInsetDidChange]
    @available(iOS 11.0, *)
    optional func scrollViewDidChangeAdjustedContentInset(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
  • func scrollViewDidScroll : 스크롤 할때마다 계속 호출
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // any offset changes
  • func scrollViewWillBeginDragging : 스크롤뷰에서 드래그하기 시작할 때 한번만 호출
// called on start of dragging (may require some time and or distance to move)
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewWillBeginDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView)
  • func scrollViewWillEndDragging : 손을 땠을 때 한번 호출, 뗀 곳의 좌표도 찍힘
// called on finger up if the user dragged. velocity is in points/millisecond. targetContentOffset may be changed to adjust where the scroll view comes to rest
@available(iOS 5.0, *)
optional func scrollViewWillEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, withVelocity velocity: CGPoint, targetContentOffset: UnsafeMutablePointer<CGPoint>)
  • func scrollViewDidEndDragging : 손을 땠을 때 한번 호출
// called on finger up if the user dragged. decelerate is true if it will continue moving afterwards
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewDidEndDragging(_ scrollView: UIScrollView, willDecelerate decelerate: Bool)
  • func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating :
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewWillBeginDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called on finger up as we are moving
  • func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewDidEndDecelerating(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when scroll view grinds to a halt

  • func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation : setContentOffset 이 사용될 때 호출됨
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when setContentOffset/scrollRectVisible:animated: finishes. not called if not animating

  • func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop : 맨위를 누르면 Top으로 올라가는 액션을 허용할껀지 안할껀지 정할 수 있음
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewShouldScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) -> Bool // return a yes if you want to scroll to the top. if not defined, assumes YES
  • func scrollViewDidScrollToTop : 맨위로 누르면 Top으로 올라가는 이벤트가 발생할 때 호출
@available(iOS 2.0, *)
optional func scrollViewDidScrollToTop(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) // called when scrolling animation finished. may be called immediately if already at top



